12 Jun 2024

WASP and WISE expand cooperation – two new project calls

WASP and WISE opens two joint calls on September 9, 2024, offering the opportunity to apply for both large and small joint projects.

The aim of the calls is to continue the initiated collaboration between WASP and WISE in the areas of AI, autonomous systems, and software and material science for sustainability.

The calls include larger projects, called NEST projects (Novelty, Excellence, Synergy, Teams) and smaller pilot projects.

The NEST projects have a duration of maximum five years and a budget of up to 25 million SEK per project. The pilot projects have a duration of maximum one year and a budget of up to one million SEK per project.

Up to 10 NESTs and 10 pilot projects may be accepted depending on project sizes. The total budget for each call is: NESTs 100 million SEK and Pilot projects 10 million SEK. The NEST projects are expected to start during the second half of 2025, and the pilot projects during the second quarter of 2025 at the latest.



The final call text will be published on the project call page September 9, 2024, when the calls open. Interested researchers are encouraged to start networking now in preparation for the upcoming calls.

The WISE PI must be affiliated with one of the six partner universities, Chalmers University of Technology, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Linköping University, Uppsala University, Stockholm University, and Lund University, or with Luleå University of Technology, or with one of the affiliated groups of excellence at Karlstad University, Umeå University, and Örebro University.

The WASP PI must be affiliated with one of the WASP partner universities, Chalmers University of Technology, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Linköping University, Lund University, Umeå University, or with one of the Affiliated Groups of Excellence at Örebro University, Uppsala University or Luleå University of Technology.

More information is available at the project call page.