29 Nov 2023

Meet Raquel Lizarraga Jurado, WISE Science Writer

-The best part is that I have a lot of fun getting to know about all the amazing things people are doing within WISE, says Raquel.

You are a science writer at WISE. What does the role imply?
-In my role as science writer at WISE, I seek to communicate effectively the research supported by WISE. My goal is to convey complex scientific concepts in a manner that resonates not only with researchers and specialists but also with everyone in society.

What did you do before WISE?
-I am a senior researcher at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at KTH. I started my academic career with undergraduate studies in Physics at the University of Chile and then I pursued a PhD in Physics at Uppsala University. My research focuses on atomistic modeling of energy materials. In particular, I am interested in interface phenomena at the electrode/electrolyte interface in Li-ion and Na-ion solid state batteries.


What would you say is the best versus the most challenging part of your job?
– WISE is a very stimulating place to work. As a scientist myself I have a huge interest in sustainable materials. I am very happy to see how the scientific community is tackling our sustainability problems. The challenging part is to make sure we do not to miss anything. WISE is growing fast!