20 Sep 2023

WISE opens second call for academic PhD and Postdoc projects

The projects call opens on 20 September.

The call is offering funding for up to 27 academic doctoral student positions and up to 27 academic postdoctoral researcher positions.The projects are financed by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation.

Proposed projects should be easily identifiable in the “WISE program matrix”.

About WISE
The Wallenberg Initiative Materials Science for Sustainability (WISE) is the largest ever investment in materials science in Sweden and includes major investments at the leading universities in Sweden over the course of at least 10 years. The aim is to create the conditions for a sustainable society by researching the next generation of ecofriendly materials and manufacturing processes.

Through collaborations with industry and society, WISE will promote and activate a transition towards a sustainable society and at the same time advance the scientific frontier in materials science, which strongly establishes Sweden as a leading nation in the field.


This call is open for academic researchers (with qualification to be main supervisor according to their respective university) at WISE’s six partner universities (Chalmers, KTH, Linköping University, Uppsala University, Stockholm University, and Lund University), at Luleå University of Technology, as well as specifically pre-selected researchers at Karlstad University, Umeå University, and Örebro University.

Application and contact
For information on the application process, potentially eligible applicants should contact the WISE representatives at their university. Contact persons at each of the WISE universities can be found at: https://wise-materials.org/about/organization/

Visit our call page.