29 Mar 2023

WISE Dialogue 2023 – Kick-off for WISE community

More than 100 people from the WISE community, as well as industry representatives, gathered in Stockholm on 22-23 March at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (KVA) for the first-ever WISE Dialogue.

Over the two-day meeting, the participants got together for the first time to listen to presentations from some of their colleagues about granted WISE research projects as well as other talks by industry representatives and experts related to sustainability. It was a great opportunity to share and inspire each other.

Some of you kindly expressed your thoughts about the best of the WISE Dialogue 2023.

-I found it very interesting to learn about the different perspectives of sustainability and particularly the impact on society, says Eleni Stavrinidou, Associate Professor at Linköping University and WISE project PI.

– It was great to meet new colleagues during these days and to be part of the WISE faculty, says Kristiina Oksman, Professor at Luleå University of Technology and WISE Project PI.