25 Oct 2022

Great interest in WISE projects

The first call for WISE PhD student and postdoc projects is now closed with a total of 193 applications received.

The call collected research project ideas from the seven partner universities, Chalmers University of Technology, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Linköping University, Lund University, Luleå Institute of Technology, Stockholm University, and Uppsala University, as well as from partner groups at Umeå University and Karlstad University.

-This is fantastic! We are very happy with the great interest and enthusiasm expressed by the material scientists for this WISE call for project proposals. Now, we are looking forward to taking the next step and explore materials science for sustainability in a highly significant manner, says Magnus Berggren, WISE Program Director.

-We are now conducting the panel reviewing process of the project proposals, which will lead to granting many excellent and relevant projects. Our goal is to publish the list of granted projects by the end of 2022, says vice WISE Program Director Olle Eriksson.

The thematic research area “conversion, storage, and distribution of clean energy” received 38 percent of the total number of applications. Another thematic area that received a great interest is “discovery of materials for novel sustainable technologies”, which received 33 per cent of the total number of applications.

“Circular materials replacing rare, energy-demanding, and hazardous materials” received 15 percent of the applications and “mitigation, cleaning, and protection of atmosphere, soil, and water” received 14 percent of the applications.