25 Feb 2025

Mats Torring from Stena to speak at WISE Dialogue

-Both new materials that can help us save resources and the science about how we use materials will play a significant role facing our global challenges.

Mats will represent a corporate perspective from Stena Metall Group including companies providing materials such as Stena Stål and Stena Aluminium as well as Stena Recycling providing circular solutions to many different sectors.

What is your talk about at Dialogue 2025?

My talk will highlight promising initiatives regarding sustainable handling of material in society with focus on collaboration to achieve circularity, as well as examples of challenges that need further attention.

As we look toward the future, how do you see advancements in materials science shaping a more sustainable world? 

Both new materials that can help us save resources and the science about how we use materials will play a significant role facing our global challenges. The “new” materials will be made from the “old” materials that we have and produce today.