9 Sep 2024

Two new joint calls – WASP and WISE

Two new joint calls between the WASP and the WISE programs opened on Monday September 9, 2024.

By launching two calls with different profiles, the programs aim to stimulate new collaborations to explore joint project ideas, as well as to support research collaborations that are ready to engage in large projects.

NEST and Pilot Calls

The WASP-WISE NEST call seeks to fund projects with multiple PIs and a budget of up to 25 MSEK per project. A NEST project shall address a specific strategic high-priority research challenge with international impact and visibility that requires the combined competence of a multidisciplinary team of investigators to be solved.

The total funding for the NEST call is 100 MSEK and the projects are expected to run for 4-5 years. Depending on each project’s budget, 4-10 projects are expected to be funded.

The call for WASP-WISE Pilot Projects aims to initiate collaboration between researchers from WASP and WISE, to prepare for future larger projects. 10 projects with a budget of 1 MSEK each and a project duration of 1 year are expected to be funded.

For both calls, the research topic shall overlap both WASP’s and WISE’s scientific areas. The NEST call closes on December 1 and the call for pilot projects closes on November 8.

Please see more information about the calls below.


Project Calls