Poster session

As a part of the WISE community, you are personally invited to register for participation at WISE Networking Event. As a WISE Postdoc you are expected to participate in the poster session.

All postdocs who register for the WISE Networking Day will receive a separate email with instructions and practical information regarding the poster presentations, including a link for uploading your poster. If you would like to access the instructions and information about the posters now, you can find the details here.

What to prepare

A poster presenting your WISE project, focusing your presentation at societal /Industrial and sustainability relevance.

General information on how to prepare your poster and files

  • If you have multiple WISE projects (or multiple students through a WISE Fellowship), you can/should submit multiple posters.
  • In the case of WISE Fellows, only submit posters for PhD or postdoc projects that you’ve started/recruited.
  • Please include your WISE project title and make sure your name is clearly visible.
  • You must include the full WISE logo (with “Wallenberg Initiative Materials Science for Sustainability” spelled out)  and the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation logo somewhere on the poster. Logos are available here.
  • In the case of WISE-ip industry projects, please also include the name of your industry co-applicant.
  • Please save each poster as PDF (max. file size 10 MB, you may need to play with compression or export as bitmap image if your poster contains many high-resolution images).

Important guidelines on naming your PDF file(s)

  • Poster format: standing/portrait A1 format, i.e., width 594 mm and height 841 mm.
  • We will prepare a poster catalog on the WISE intranet including all posters, like the catalog for the Welcome Meeting 2024.
  • You need to print your poster and bring it with you, as we have no possibility to print posters locally.
  • WISE will supply the material necessary for hanging posters (pins, tape, etc)

Important guidelines on PDF file naming

To help us categorize your poster in the poster catalog, it’s important that you name your PDF file(s) according to these rules.

Give each poster PDF file the following name:


MATRIX-COORDINATE refers to the project’s primary coordinates on the WISE Matrix (see for reference) in the form a1, d3, e4, etc.


Submission deadline is 14 januari kl 14:00.


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