A resource for PhD students and postdocs

The WISE Research School is designed to be an important resource for the PhD students in their work towards becoming leading scientists in materials research for sustainability.

The WISE Research School provides a comprehensive course on sustainable development, which is compulsory for all PhD students. The course aims to equip students with a solid grasp of current global perspectives on sustainable development and the ability to apply these insights to their individual research areas. Additionally, students have the opportunity to engage with and learn from seasoned researchers and engineers from both industry and academia.

Every summer, a specialized summer school is conducted, focusing on a specific topic. The summer school brings together lecturers and participants from academia and industry. During these sessions, industry representatives have the opportunity to share their perspectives on challenges and issues related to sustainable development in materials research.

Students are encouraged to actively participate and contribute to the improvement and development of new PhD courses with WISE.

Journal clubs, including multiple partner universities are arranged to promote scientific discussions and networking.

Students can actively contribute to and enhance education through the Student Council, which represents all WISE partner universities and serves as the channel to Research School management.