The vision of the WISE tehnology platforms is to implement internationally competitive science infrastructures that enable outstanding material science for sustainability, for a broad Swedish user basis.
The Advanced Electron Microscopy platform at Linköping University comprises state-of the-art and internationally competitive analytical Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (STEM) and advanced focused ion beam (FIB) equipment to fabricate, extract, and sculpt material samples. The result is the most advanced TEM instrument in Sweden for high resolution and high sensitivity imaging. The platform will be embedded within the Swedish Research Infrastructure for Advanced Electron Microscopy (ARTEMI).
Per Persson
The Ultrafast Operando Photoelectron Spectroscopy (UOPS) platform at Stockholm University combines unique ambient pressure X-ray spectroscopy and probing catalytic surface with lasers at femtosecond time scales. Together, these capabilities enable ultrafast, high (ambient) pressure investigation of reaction pathways in important surface reactions on various materials and in various environmental conditions, elucidating essential catalytic reactions of importance for several systems relevant for ecofriendly production and energy applications. The development relies on a long tradition of designing and building analytical tools at SU.
Anders Nilsson
Martin Beye
The Circular and Sustainable Materials Synthesis, Processing, Applications, and Hazard Assessment Laboratory (CircuLab) at Stockholm University comprises four interdisciplinary operational clusters. The first cluster focuses on equipment for automated functionalization, processing, and re/upscaling of sustainable material. The second cluster concerns equipment for the discovery and use of catalytic materials for chemical synthesis. The third cluster focuses on AI-supported equipment for online chemical analysis, toxicity testing, and risk assessment. And the fourth cluster focuses on integration and optimization. The ambition is to develop a holistic approach by combining AI and automated strategies for the synthesis, characterization, and toxicity testing of novel soft and catalytic materials in a safe and efficient manner.
Aji Mathew
Belen Martin-Matute
Advanced Characterization Techniques at the Luleå Material Imaging and Analysis facility (WISE ACT @LUMIA) at Luleå University of Technology include high-resolution 3D X-ray imaging (dynamic/high-energy/spectral XCT) and precision milling (laser ablation FIB) coupled with scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The platform offers excellent capabilities for analysis related to the new technologies emerging in Northern Sweden, the hotspot for the green transition. Key research areas, in close collaboration with leading industry, include fossil-free steel, carbon dioxide and hydrogen storage, sustainable batteries, extraction of critical raw materials, and additive manufacturing.
Glenn Bark
Marta-Lena Antti
Fredrik Forsberg
The Chemical Imaging Infrastructure (CII) at Chalmers comprises two key mass spectroscopy technologies: MALDI-TOF and TOF-SIMS. Both technologies investigate materials’ composition by analyzing the “time-of-flight” (TOF) of atoms/molecules ejected from their surface. Key research areas include elucidating molecular chemistry of green, natural, or electronically conducting polymers, as well as applications including recycling, failure analysis, and sustainable packaging.
The High-field Materials NMR and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) platform shared between KTH and Stockholm University is based on a high-field system unique in the Nordics. The 0.8 GHz and 18.8 T magnetic field strength system and a broad assortment of customized probes/tools will enable state of the art solid-state measurements, enabling studies (including in operando) of materials/devices relevant for renewable energy applications, water desalination, and circular society, as well as investigations of electrocatalytic and photoelectrochemical materials and flow dynamics in narrow channels and devices.
Niklas Hedin
Istvan Furo
WISE Additive is a national platform for additive manufacturing (AM), the most resource-efficient manufacturing technology enabling production of complex-shape multi-functional components, not possible to produce using conventional manufacturing. The platform is a joint activity between Uppsala University, Chalmers University of Technology, and Linköping University. At Uppsala, the focus is on material development for and through AM, as well as powder production, recyclability in AM, and non-destructive structural analysis. At Chalmers, the focus is on the development and industrial implementation of sustainable multi-functional metal-metal and metal-ceramic components. And at Linköping, the focus is on printing advanced electronic materials and devices. WISE Additive will facilitate development and introduction of sustainable materials into Swedish industry.
Cecilia Persson
Eduard Hryha
Simone Fabiano
Wise-EST aims to Enable Sustainable technology Transitions in industry and society. From this platform, Uppsala University and Luleå University of Technology focus on tribology of critical components in areas where important sustainable transitions are imminent. Transitions may be motivated by high emissions, high frictional energy losses, materials/components wearing out too quickly, or a change to sustainable materials when replacing worn out components. But transitions come with materials challenges, and preventive actions are needed to enable rapid implementation. Wise-EST offers tribological expertise, a range of tribological test rigs that offer realistic test conditions in highly controlled environments, as well as state of the art analytical tools to study how materials behave and perform. Wise-EST will discover how new materials, coatings, and lubricants should be tuned to allow sustainable solutions to become competitive, accepted, and widely used without delay.
Staffan Jacobson
Urban Wiklund
Roland Larsson
Jens Hardell
Near Ambient Pressure X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (NAP-XPS) enables investigating material surfaces under “near ambient” conditions rather than the vacuum conditions of traditional XPS. This enables, e.g., operando studies, investigation of inorganic and soft/organic materials, processes under reactive conditions, and studies including gas or liquid phases. The platform is a joint activity between Linköping University, Chalmers University of Technology, and Uppsala University, and will closely coordinate with the UOPS platform at Stockholm University. At Linköping, the focus is on soft and radiation-sensitive materials such as optoelectronic and electrochemical devices. At Chalmers, the focus is on catalysis, electrochemistry, and energy storage. At Uppsala, the tool is integrated with instrumentation for extreme elemental sensitivity and structural analysis and targets light elements in materials and corrosion processes. These competences are complemented by the Stockholm University UOPS platform with focus on catalytic phenomena using lasers at femtosecond timescales.
Mats Fahlman
Julia Maibach
Andreas Lindblad
Daniel Primetzhofer
Anders Nilsson
Martin Beye
The WISE Electron Microscopy Platform is a joint activity between Stockholm University, Lund University, KTH, and Linköping University. The platform is generally focused on new and complimentary equipment for transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analyses of materials and processes vital for the development of novel sustainable systems. Stockholm University focuses on high-throughput analytical scanning TEM (STEM) with AI-based characterization; liquid phase experiments; and setups for electron beam-sensitive materials. In Lund, the focus is on environmental TEM and chemical vapor deposition. At KTH, the focus is on high-throughput measurements and sustainable metals. And at LiU the focus is on advanced imaging of catalytic, energy storage, and electrochemical processes. The distributed infrastructure will be coordinated through the Swedish Research Infrastructure for Advanced Electron Microscopy (ARTEMI).
Gunnar Svensson
Xiaodong Zou
Per Persson
Peter Hedström
Prasath Babu Revathy Rajan
Kimberly Thelander
Daniel Madsen
Martin Ek Rosén
The WISE Materials Fabrication platform is a joint activity between Lund University and KTH. The distributed infrastructure focuses on novel materials and device fabrication at KTH’s AlbaNova and advance materials research for electrification, energy saving, and clean energy at Lund University’s Nanolab Science Village. At KTH, this comprises advanced atomic layer deposition and chemical vapor deposition equipment. And at Lund, the platform includes advanced metal-organic chemical vapor deposition and deep reactive ion etching equipment for patterning and geometric investigations. Key research areas include high power, high frequency, photonic, quantum, and spin-devices as well as liquid flow applications such as bio-chips and water-cleaning. The platform is coordinated through the Swedish Research Infrastructure for Micro and Nano Fabrication (MyFab).
Luke Hankin
Vladislav Korenivski