Linköping University

Synthesis Strategies for Novel 2D Intermetallic Materials and Their Applications for Energy Conversion

  • Discovery
  • Energy
  • Structures
  • Synthesis & Processing
  • 2D materials
  • Catalyst materials
Academic project

Research question

This project will tackle key challenges within the 2D materials area
by: i) Extending chemical exfoliation concept to the family of ternary intermetallic
laminates. ii) Developing green chemistry for the sustainable synthesis of new 2D
intermetallic materials. iii) Property tuning of selected 2D intermetallics for energy
conversion. This will be accomplished by an interplay of alloying and green chemistry
(synthesis) development. Ultimately, we target macro-scale properties of the
discovered materials in device demonstrators that can address the clean energy

Sustainability aspects

Discovery of new materials with a large surface area to volume
ratio is of importance for energy storage/conversion and other applications required
for a sustainable society (relevant for the UN Sustainable Development Goal, SDG no.
7 and 12). The suggested project is of high value for realization of novel 2D materials
through development of (scalable) green chemistry methods, and the realized 2D
intermetallic materials are expected to provide many active sites while minimizing use
of elements that are not as abundant, but that have superior properties. Thus, both the
design of the 2D intermetallic materials and their morphologies, as well as the methods
by which they are synthesized, strive towards sustainable processes and applications.

researcher photo

Linköping University

Jie Zhou

Assistent Professor

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