KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Self-organized liquid-infused materials for CO2 capture

  • Climate
  • Performance
  • Liquid-infused materials
Academic project

Research question

This project aims to explore so-called Liquid-Infused Materials (LIMs) for CO2 capture. These materials consist of a periodic solid scaffold with tens of thousands of perfectly controlled liquid droplets. This experimental project will develop different LIMs and analyse transport and reaction processes between a gas flows and immobilized liquid droplets. 

Sustainability aspects  

It is estimated from the IEA World-energy outlook report 2019 that up to 99.7 percent of CO2 emissions from existing coal-fired power plants can be reduced. The technology for CO2 capture exists, but commercial technology has low reaction efficiency and requires a significant amount of energy for operation. The concrete outcome of this project will be to benchmark the carbon-capture capacity of LIMs with existing techniques. This project can potentially advance material science for carbon capture and for flow continuous heterogeneous catalysis in general. 


researcher photo

KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Shervin Bagheri



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