Luleå University of Technology

Energy efficient ultrasonic treatment for improved metal performance

  • Circularity and Replacement
  • Energy
  • Performance
  • Alloys
  • Steels
Academic project

Research question

Even though room temperature ultrasonic treatment has been used in industry for some time, the full potential of this green technology has not been fully realized. Ultrasonic treatment can significantly improve the performance of metals, however, there is a lack of understanding of how ultrasonic parameters affect softening and hardening of the microstructure. This project aims at establishing fundamental knowledge on relationship between ultrasonic wave parameters, microstructural changes, and metals performance.

The research will answer several important questions: (i) What are the optimum parameters of the ultrasonic treatment to control work softening and work hardening? (ii) How do microstructural conditions influence the formation of nano-defects (dislocations, stacking faults and deformation twins) in face-centered-cubic (FCC) lattice after ultrasonic treatment? (iii) How can ultrasound technology be implemented as an alternative to conventional high energy treatments? Experimental data will be used for modelling to predict mechanical properties of FCC metals after and during ultrasonic treatment.

Sustainability aspects

Enhancing the sustainability of metals involves both reducing the environmental footprint of their production and extending their user phase through improved performance. This project focusses on sustainable metals and the application of ultrasonic treatment to achieve better energy efficiency. By understanding ultrasonic treatment at a fundamental level, we can facilitate the adoption of this green technology across a wide range of applications, further improving the sustainability of metal usage.

researcher photo

Luleå University of Technology

Marta-Lena Antti


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