Lund University

Energy efficient on-chip communication based on perovskite nanocrystals added on silicon

  • Discovery
  • Energy
  • Properties
  • Structures
  • Synthesis & Processing
  • Hybrid materials
  • Perovskites
  • Semiconductors
Academic project

Research question

We will investigate whether metal halide perovskites a suitable material for on-chip communication, and how energy-efficient such devices could be, by developing a demonstrator device with emitters and receivers connected by waveguides. MHP nanocrystals will be grown directly in a Si / SiO2 template, and then processed into power efficient emitters and receivers for optical communications. The foreseen key challenges are electrical contact development and stability.

Sustainability aspects

The main sustainability goal of this proposal is to reduce the energy consumption of electronics, which currently sees no end, accelerated by AI, wireless networks and cloud computing. Reducing the need for electricity can be a much more efficient route to cutting CO2 emissions than adding clean production methods. Since IT is an enabling technology that is an integral part of society, this has the potential to support several SDGs such as 1,4,8 and 12.



Lund University

Jesper Wallentin


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