Uppsala University

Can a new family of inorganic materials make large scale solar energy more sustainable?

  • Discovery
  • Energy
  • Properties
  • Structures
  • Ionic materials
  • Metal-semiconductors
  • Perovskites
  • Semiconductors
  • Superconducting materials
Academic project

Research question

Key research questions include the following: (1) Can AECs synthesized in solar cell-compatible thin-film form replicate the promising properties determined from calculations and bulk samples? (2) What are the dominating defect types in AEC materials, and how do they influence real-world properties? (3) How does surface chemistry under environmental conditions influence the chemical stability and optoelectronic performance?

Sustainability aspects

The sustainability advancements from AEC materials compared to other options come from their high environmental stability and the abundance and low toxicity of their constituent elements. If high efficiency potential is also demonstrated, AECs will enable solar cells with a substantially lower carbon footprint and greater affordability than existing solar cells. Additionally, the materials intensity and recyclability of solar energy technology could be improved, leading to more responsible use of resources for clean energy production.






researcher photo

Uppsala University

Jonathan Staaf Scragg

Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor


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