KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Automated Discovery of Photovoltaic Materials

  • Discovery
  • Energy
  • Design & Modelling
  • Synthesis & Processing
  • Semiconductors
Academic project

Research question

The introduction of halide perovskite-like materials in solar cells,
perovskite solar cells (PSCs), in 2012 made a significant change to the solar cell research area
today, where PSCs show conversion efficiencies >25%. The PSCs have therefore been
extensively studied and the halide perovskite family of materials offers a series of properties
that make them unique. However, the halide perovskites are also associated with intrinsic
drawbacks, and which may be impossible to overcome in the perspective of large-scale
application. In this project, we aim to utilize a new lab automation system to screen for novel
materials that can work as thin-film semiconductors for light harvesting in solar cells.

Sustainability aspects

The benefits for society following the discovery of an efficient, stable
and inexpensive semiconductor material for solar cells based on abundant and environmentally
benign components cannot be overestimated. The impact will reach way beyond that of energy
production alone affecting also other fields, such as the facile generation of clean water and
mitigation of poverty through off-grid and inexpensive on-site production and generation of
energy. The present project is aiming to contribute to exactly this.

researcher photo

KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Lars Kloo



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