Linköping University
Loss-reductive electrification of liquid organic hydrogen carrier (e-LOHC)
Academic project
Research question
This project aims to explore the loading process of organic molecules by hydrogen by means of electricity. This multistage process will be investigated in both model conditions using in-situ physicochemical techniques and in realistic membrane-based devices. The concept of liquid organic hydrogen carriers is developed as technological link between existing distribution infrastructure of common liquid fuels such as diesel and green hydrogen economy to overcome the problem of low energy density per volume of hydrogen gas.
Sustainability aspects
This project focuses on development of hydrogen-based energetics, which is recognized in a recent compilation – Hydrogen strategy for a climate-neutral Europe – communicated by the European Commission in 2020 in the context of EU’s commitment to reach carbon neutrality by 2050. In the global context, this project is mainly focused on 7th Sustainable Development Goal of the United Nations for 2030; affordable and clean energy.

Linköping University
Mikhail Vagin
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