
Day 1: March 12

08:30    Registration and coffee

09:00    Introduction and welcome to WISE Dialogue 2025. Magnus Berggren & Olle Eriksson

09:20    KAW Presentation by Sven Stafström, Sara Mazur, Anders Ynnerman

09:40    WISE Project – Poly(ionic liquid)s for advanced water treatment
Jiayin Yuan, SU

09:50    Presentation WISE Project by Lennart Bergström, SU
Waste-based insulation materials: reflections on sustainability, science and cognitive dissonance

10:00    Coffee break and networking


Block 1: EU and Broader Society  

10:30    Presentation by Lena Killander, Vinnova
EU and possibilites for collaborative materials research

10:50  Materials Commons for Europe
Patrick Lambrix, LiU

11:10    Presentation by Jan-Erik Sundgren
Advanced materials, Industrial competitiveness Sustainability and EU

11:30    Moderated discussion: EU and Broader Society

12:00    Lunch and networking

13:00    Workshop:
Sustainability Assessment for Material Sciences – Fundamentals, Methods, and Practical Examples Erik Sundin, Olof Hjelm, Annelie Carlsson & Niclas Svensson, LiU

15:00    Coffee break and networking


Block 2: Concrete and Cement – Innovation and Sustainability  

15:30    Presentation by Tiziana Vanorio, Stanford
Harnessing Earth’s Processes for Low-Carbon Cement: The Phlego Approach.

15:50    Presentation by Arezou Baba Ahmadi –
Sustainable and Innovative Cementitious Materials: The Role of Materials Science and Engineering

16:10  Presentation by: Karin Gäbel, Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO)
Why material science plays a critical role in the cement and concrete industry’s transition?

16:30   Moderated discussion: Concrete and Cement – Innovation and Sustainability

17:15   Poster session and networking

18:45   Dinner

Day 2: March 13

08:00    Coffee and networking

08:30    Introduction to Day 2

08:35    Presentation by: Lars Hultman and Peter Dyreklev
Instilling sustainability to materials research

08:45    Presentation by: Sandor Albrecht, KAW


Block 3: Energy and Technology        

09:00    Presentation by Masato Sagawa
Invention of Neodymium Magnet-Young researchers bring about innovation

09:20    Presentation by Patrik Johansson
Materials at the center of the Swedish & European Battery Value Chain

09:40    Presentation by Mikael Nordlander, Vattenfall
Groundbreaking initiatives in industry decarbonisation

10:00    Coffee break and networking

10:30    Presentation by Lisa Ericsson, KTH Innovation
Commercializing research for sustainability – The KTH Innovation approaching

10:50    Moderated discussion: Energy and Technology

11:30    Break


Block 4: Large-Scale Science and Industrial Innovation   

11:45    Presentation by Pascale Deen, ESS
The European Spallation Source to provide neutrons to determine material

12:05    Presentation by Olof ‘Charlie’ Karis, MAX IV
MAX IV – A hub for research and innovation

12:25    Presentation by Mats Torring, Stena Metall
The old materials will be the new: An insight into the recycling industry with examples of circularcollaboration projects between industries

12:45    Moderated discussion: Large-Scale Science and Industrial Innovation

13:30    Closing – Thank you and conference summary

13:35    Grab and Go lunch