Recruitment Calls
Call for recruitment
In the first call for recruitment, we are announcing 15 WISE Fellowship faculty recruitment packages (PI salary, plus salary for 2 PhDs and 2 postdocs, scroll down to see details below) at the six partner institutions, Chalmers University of Technology (Gothenburg), KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Stockholm), Linköping University, Lund University, Stockholm University, and Uppsala University, as well as at Luleå Institute of Technology.
The positions planned for recruitment are listed here and linked to the application details at the partner institutions.
Open positions
All open positions
All closed positions
Organic Electronics: Printed electronics and additive structuring of multifunctional materials
Linköping University
Closes 9 Jan -
Low-dimensional inorganic materials for efficient and high-rate conversion and capture technologies
Linköping University
Closed 31 Oct -
Materials science with a focus on sustainable metals
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Closed 19 Oct -
Sustainable and efficient metal recovery in a circular economy
Luleå University of Technology
Closed 14 Oct -
Atom- and multi-scale modelling of functional material for green applications
Luleå University of Technology
Closed 14 Oct -
Organic Electronics: Additive structuring of multifunctional materials for sustainability
Linköping University
Closed 10 Oct -
Electrocatalytic materials for green hydrogen
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Closed 19 Sep -
Magnetic or optical materials for sustainable energy applications
Uppsala University
Closed 19 Sep -
Geohydrology with specialization in materials for pollution mitigation
Uppsala University
Closed 19 Sep -
Materials chemistry towards nanoporous materials for conversion and storage of fossil-free energy, purification of air and water, and for future sustainable solutions
Stockholm University
Closed 15 Aug -
Organic synthesis towards sustainable heterogeneous catalysis
Stockholm University
Closed 15 Aug -
Materials chemistry towards circular materials and processes
Stockholm University
Closed 15 Aug -
Synthesis of inorganic materials for green energy applications
Lund University
Closed 15 Aug -
Development of material heterostructures with atomic level control for a sustainable society
Physics, Lund University
Closed 15 Aug -
Synthesis of novel functional materials for clean energy
Chalmers University of Technology
Closed 15 Aug -
Discovery of sustainable materials through advanced instrumentation
Chalmers University of Technology
Closed 15 Aug
Recruitment package
Each recruitment package includes (i) salary for the recruited faculty member (4 years FTE during max. 5 years); (ii) research/consumables funding; (iii) salary for two PhD students (4 years each); (iv) salary for two postdocs (2 years each); and (v) additional support for overheads and facilities. Further details can be found in the application links as they go live during Spring 2022.