WISE is overseen by a Steering Board, comprising representatives from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, academia, and industry, and the Program Directors. The Board and Program Directors are assisted and advised by the WISE Program Office, the University Representative Group, and the Advisory Board.
WISE Governance Structure
Chalmers University of Technology
Maria Abrahamsson
Chalmers University of Technology
Paul Erhart
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Lars Kloo
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Malin Selleby
Linköping University
Johanna Rosén
Linköping University
Klas Tybrandt
Lund University
Kimberly Thelander
Lund University
Anders Mikkelsen
Stockholm University
Xiaodong Zou
Stockholm University
Lennart Bergström
Uppsala University
Cecilia Persson
Uppsala University
Håkan Rensmo
Luleå University of Technology
Marta-Lena Antti
Karlstad University
Ellen Moons
Umeå University
Ludvig Edman
Örebro University