Welcome to the poster session at WISE Dialogue 2025

We are excited to showcase your research and create an inspiring exhibition of WISE projects. To ensure a smooth and engaging poster session, we have put together some guidelines and practical information.

All WISE postdocs and WISE PhD students are expected to participate in the poster session. Regardless of how far along you are in your project, we want you to present your work during the session. This is a great opportunity to share your research with the WISE community and engage in meaningful discussions.

To make the most of the poster session, we strongly encourage everyone to submit their poster on time so it can be included in the digital poster catalog. This catalog allows WISE Dialogue participants to explore your research both before and after the event, increasing visibility and opportunities for discussion. If you are taking part in the poster session, uploading your poster should be seen as an essential part of your participation.

The deadline for uploading your poster is March 3. Posters submitted after this date cannot be included in the digital catalog, meaning your poster will only be available at the on-site session. We understand that there may be exceptional cases where uploading a poster is not possible. If you think this applies to you, please reach out to the WISE Program Office at info@wise-materials.org to discuss your situation.

All postdocs and PhD students expected to participate in the poster session will receive a separate email with instructions and a link for uploading their poster. If you have not received this email, please contact us at info@wise-materials.org.

Below, you will find everything you need to know about preparing and submitting your poster. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out!

What to Prepare

A poster presenting your WISE project, focusing on its societal, industrial, and sustainability relevance.

General Information on Preparing Your Poster and Files

  • If you have multiple WISE projects (or multiple students through a WISE Fellowship), you can/should submit multiple posters.
  • WISE Fellows should only submit posters for PhD or postdoc projects that you have started or recruited.
  • Include your WISE project title and make sure your name is clearly visible.
  • You must include:
    ✔ The full WISE logo (with the text “Wallenberg Initiative Materials Science for Sustainability”)
    ✔ The Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation logo
    (Logos are available here).
  • WISE-ip industry projects must also include the name of the industry co-applicant.
  • Save each poster as a PDF (maximum file size: 10 MB). If your file is too large, try compressing it or exporting it as a bitmap image.

Poster Format and Catalog

  • Format: Portrait A1 (Width: 594 mm, Height: 841 mm).
  • We will create a poster catalog on the WISE intranet, similar to the catalog for Welcome Meeting 2024.

Practical Information for the Event

  • You must print your poster and bring it with you. We cannot print posters at the event.
  • WISE will provide materials for hanging posters (pins, tape, etc.).

Important Guidelines for Naming Your PDF File

To help us organize the poster catalog, please name your PDF file correctly.

Use this format:
📌 Postdoc-FirstName_LastName_University_[MATRIX-COORDINATE].pdf

📍 MATRIX-COORDINATE refers to your project’s position in the WISE Matrix (see wise-materials.org/research/ for reference). Example: a1, d3, e4, etc.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact us at info@wise-materials.org.

Please find the WISE  logos below