KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Paula Sebastian Pascual

  • Energy
  • Performance
  • Structures


Electrocatalytic reactions occur on the surface of catalyst electrodes in contact with an electrolyte solution. This region is called the electrified interface. My research group investigates well-defined electrified interfaces to understand how the interactions between the catalyst surface and the electrolyte affect different electrocatalytic reactions. More specifically, my research investigates atomically well-ordered surfaces, like single crystalline electrodes, to address how surface orientation and geometry influence performance. We use this fundamental knowledge to rationally prepare, via electrodeposition methods, nanostructures with tuneable composition and morphology for water splitting, the oxidation of organic molecules and the electrochemical conversion of carbon dioxide.


Sustainability aspects

Using electrochemistry for the clean conversion of energy and electrosynthesis of chemicals is key to decarbonize the industry but insufficient if a sustainable preparation of the catalysts does not accompany it. In that regard, my research investigates inexpensive and greener routes for the electrochemical synthesis of multimetallic nanostructures with tuned composition and structure using more environmentally benign electrolytes, such as deep eutectic solvents.

researcher photo

KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Paula Sebastian Pascual

Assistant Professor


Explore fellows under the WISE program

On this page you can read more about the research being done by the WISE Fellows. In 2022, WISE initiated its inaugural WISE Fellow strategic faculty recruitment drive. Each of the six participating universities, alongside Luleå University of Technology, announced research profiles tailored to the recruitment of Assistant or Associate Professors. These recruitment packages included salaries for two postdoctoral researchers and two PhD students. By 2023, a total of twelve positions had been successfully filled at Stockholm University, Chalmers University of Technology, Luleå University of Technology, Lund University, and the Royal Institute of Technology

Explore fellows