3 Oct 2024

Introducing the WISE researchers

WISE is very proud to have outstanding professors participating in the program. In this occasion we are happy to introduce Professor Anders Nilsson.

Anders Nilsson received a PhD in physics at Uppsala University, Sweden (1989) in the laboratory created by the Nobel Laureate Kai Siegbahn. Before returning to Sweden in 2014 he was 15 years as a professor in Photon Science at Stanford University. Anders has received the Plyler Prize at the American Physical Society, Lindbomska Award at the Swedish Royal Academy of Science, the Royal Oscar Award at Uppsala University, the Shirley Award in Berkeley, the Humboldt Award for senior scientist in Germany and was awarded Honorary Doctorate at Denmark’s Technical University. 

The research on water was selected in 2004 by Science Magazine as one of the top ten breakthrough of the year, illustrated in 2014 as cover of Nature, selected as one of the 100 most essential discoveries in 2017 by Discovery Magazine and illustrated with cover in New Scientist in 2018.

Why did you choose to join WISE?
I think the goal of WISE is very important and exciting. It is so urgent to address the challenges of our time with respect to climate change. The topics of WISE is well aligned with my own research interests.

What is your WISE project about?
In our WISE research topic, we aim to understand the reaction mechanisms that enable novel methanol catalysts to operate at significantly lower pressures and temperatures. Current methanol production (110 Mton per year) relies on fossil feedstocks. Lower reaction pressures and temperatures could allow the use of hydrogen from water splitting and captured CO2.

Using our unique X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy system, which can simulate industrial conditions, we measure surface species and chemical changes on catalyst surfaces—previously limited to theoretical studies. Initially, we focused on the NiGa surface in methanol catalysis, similar to our prior work on the conventional CuZn catalyst (Science 376, 603 (2022)). Collaborating with DTU in Denmark, we found the NiGa catalyst converts CO2 to methanol at ≈150°C and atmospheric pressure, while higher temperatures produce methane. We are currently investigating the catalyst surface’s role in changing selectivity and are extending these studies to other materials.

How did you choose your research area, did you have an interest in this when you were younger?
I have been involved in studying chemical processes on surfaces for over 30 years. During my years at Stanford University, I was part of creating a center for catalysis research.

Could you share your thoughts on the challenges materials science faces regarding sustainability?
Transforming the chemical industry to move away from fossil fuels and become sustainable is a major challenge, as it emits 8 % of global CO2 (excluding fuel burning). Materials science must develop new catalysts for cost-effective chemical production using abundant materials. Our goal is global sustainability, not just for Sweden. For example, India faces challenges with electric car adoption due to limited battery materials and high costs. We need affordable, carbon-neutral chemicals, including for air and sea transport.

What are the benefits of your research for society in the future?
I hope that my research can provide the fundamental knowledge to inspire new unique materials for catalyst in chemical processes, fuel cells, water splitting and artificial photosynthesis devices. During my year at Stanford, I was part of the president hydrogen initiative, and we developed a new way to make platinum more active and that principle is now used by Toyota in their fuel cell Mirai car. I hope that WISE research can lead to similar developments for the chemical industry, hydrogen production and CO2 reduction devices.